Italian Historian, Director of
Collins LLC and of the IU Food Project
Carl Ipsen
Curriculum Vitae
Carl Ipsen September 2021
Ballantine Hall
Indiana University
1020 E Kirkwood Dr
Bloomington, IN 47405
tel (812) 855-8976
e-mail: cipsen@iu.edu
Ph.D. History, University of California at Berkeley, December 1992.
dissertation adviser: Jan de Vries
M.A. Demography, University of California at Berkeley, December 1991.
M.A. History, University of California at Berkeley, May 1987.
B.A. History of the Exact Sciences, University of California at Berkeley, May 1985 (with high honors, with distinction in general scholarship).
Additional professional training
OLEA-Corso idoneità fisiologica all'assaggio degli oli di oliva Pesaro 2019
[Certified ability as olive oil taster]
Professional experience and affiliations
Indiana University
Director, IU Food Institute and Project, 2015-21
Director, Collins Living-Learning Center, 2011-18
Professor of History, 2007-
Director of Graduate Studies (History), 2002-5
Associate professor of History, 2001-7
Associate professor of West European Studies 2001
Assistant professor of History, 1995-2001
Assistant professor of West European Studies 1994-2001.
University of Gastronomic Sciences (Pollenzo, Italy), Master of Gastronomy: World Food Cultures and Mobility, “Edible Education: The American Food Movement” (June 2019; May 2020).
Consultant, Shook, Hardy & Bacon (Kansas City), 2002-3.
Advisory Council, Society for Italian Historical Studies, 2001-present.
Associate editor for the web, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2000-2005.
Consultant, Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research (Rome, Italy), 1999-2003.
Fellow (1999) and member of Society of Fellows, American Academy in Rome.
Universita’ degli studi di Firenze, Istituto “Cesare Alfieri” (Political Science), Spring 1998 and 1999, mini course on population and politics (in Italian).
National Institute of Population Research (Italian National Research Council), Rome, Visiting Professor, 1992-94.
Academic Honors and Awards
2021 Sophie Coe Prize in Food History (see publications)
American Academy in Rome (Mellon post-doctoral prize in post-classical humanist studies), 1998-99
American Philosophical Society Research Grant, Spring 1998
1997 American Historical Association Marraro Prize for the best book in Italian History
National Institutes of Health Traineeship, 1990-91.
Fulbright Grant, Italy, 1990.
Berkeley Science Historians Award, 1988.
Phi Beta Kappa, 1984.
IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Research Award, 2021-22
IU College Arts&Humanities Institute Research Travel Grant, 2020
IU Instititue for European Studies
IU College Arts&Humanities Institute Conference Grant, 2015-16
IU New Frontiers in the Arts and Humanities Exploratory Travel Fellowship, 2015-16
IU College Arts & Humanities Institute Research Travel Grant, 2015-16
IU OVPR Grant-in-aid, 2015
IU New Frontiers in the Arts and Humanities Exploration Traveling Fellowship, 2010
IU History Dept. Service Award, 2009
IU West European Studies Curriculum Development Grant, Summer 2009
College Art and Humanities Institute Fellowship, 2008-9
Indiana University Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2005
IU President’s Arts & Humanities Initiative Award, 2001-2002
IU Center on Philanthropy Research Grant (2000) and follow-up “mini-grant” (2001)
IU Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, 1999-2000
IU Research and the University Graduate School Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2000
IU Research Leave Supplement, 1998-99
IU President’s Council on International Programs, Spring 1998
IU Grant-in-Aid, Spring 1998
IU West European Studies Curriculum Development Grant, Summer 1996
IU Summer Faculty Fellowship, 1996
IU College of Arts and Sciences Summer Faculty Fellowship, 1995
IU Curriculum Development Grant, 1994
University of California Sharlin Award, 1990.
UC Italian-American Award, 1989-90.
UC Humanities Graduate Research Grant, 1989.
UC Regents Fellowship, 1985-86.
Publications and conferences
Fumo: La storia d’amore tra gli italiani e la sigaretta, Florence, Le Monnier, 2019 (translation of following).
Fumo: Italy’s Love Affair with the Cigarette, Palo Alto, Stanford University Press, 2016.
Italy in the Age of Pinocchio: Children and Danger in the Liberal Era, New York-Houndsmills, Palgrave, 2006.
Demografia totalitaria: Il problema della popolazione nell'Italia fascista. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1997 (translation of following).
Dictating demography: The problem of population in Fascist Italy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
*Winner of the 1997 American Historical Association Marraro Prize for the best book on Italian history in any epoch
Articles, chapters, working papers:
“From Cloth Oil to Extra Virgin: Italian Olive Oil Before the Invention of the Mediterranean Diet” in Daniel Bender and Simone Cinotto, eds., Food Mobilities: Making World Cuisine. University of Toronto Press, forthcoming.
*Winner of the 2021 Sophie Coe Prize in food history
“Xylella fastidiosa and the olive oil crisis in Puglia,” Gastronomica, 20, 2 (summer 2020), pp. 55-66.
“Smoking in Italy since World War II,” Neodemos, 3 May 2016: http://www.neodemos.info/smoking-in-italy-since-world-war-ii/
“Chapter 6: Life Cycle” in Colin Heywood, ed., A Cultural History of Childhood and Family in the Age of Empire. Berg, 2010.
“La Piú Grande Italia: The Italianization of Argentina,” in Anthony Grafton and Marc Rodriguez, eds., Migration in History. University of Rochester Press, 2006, pp. 35-52.
“Italy, 1914-2004” for Scribner's Encyclopedia of Europe 1914-2004 (eds. Jay Winter and John Merriman), 2006.
"Under the Stats of Fascism: The Italian Population Projections of 1929-31," Popolazione e storia, (1/2002): 95-111. Reprinted in Jochen Fleisccacker, Henk A,. De Gans and Thomas K. Burch, eds., Population Projections and Politics. Critical and Historical Essays on Early Twentieth Century Population Forecasting. Amsterdam, Rozenberg, 2003.
“Legal Infanticide: Foundling Mortality and its Measurement in Turn-of-the-Century Italy with Special Reference to the Casa dell’Annunziata of Naples,” Popolazione e storia, (numero unico/2000): 123-49.
“The Annunziata Scandal of 1897 and Foundling Care in Liberal Italy,” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 4, n. 1 (1999): 1-29.
“Population Policy in the Age of Fascism: A Commentary on Recent Writings,” Population and Development Review, 24 (3) September 1998: 579-92.
"The Society and its Environment" in Library of Congress, Italy. A Country Study, publication postponed due to lack of funds.
"Population Policy and Theory in Fascist Italy," based on a series of seminars given in Italian at the National Institute of Population Research (IRP), Rome, 10-17-24 February 1993, and repeated in abbreviated form at the University of Rome, Economics faculty, 16 April 1993. IRP Working Paper 1/93.
"The statistics of population in Liberal Italy," Bollettino di demografia storica, n.16 (1992): 7-33.
"Demography and the Italian Fascist 'revolution'," in Revolution et population (ed. Eric Vilquin), Academia, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1990.
"The organization of totalitarian demography: Early Italian Fascist population policy," Acts of the International Congress of Historical Sciences (Madrid, August-September 1990); Social Science History, Spring 1993, 17, 1, pp. 71-108.
Editorial board: Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity & Culture, edited by Guido Bolaffi, Raffaele Bracalenti, Peter Braham and Sandro Gindro. Sage, London, 2002.
Associate editor: Journal of Modern Italian Studies (creator of web page: Opencity).
Other conference papers:
“Xylella in Puglia. An historian’s perspective,” Xylella files seminar series, UC Berkeley (on-line), 29 September 2020.
“From Cloth Oil to Extra Virgin: The Changing Meaning of Italian Olive Oil in Recent Centuries,” School of Global and International Studies (Indiana University), Feb. 7, 2020.
“From Cloth Oil to Extra Virgin: The Changing Meaning of Italian Olive Oil in Recent Centuries,” Food Mobilities: Making World Cuisines. University of Gastronomic Sciences (Pollenzo, Italy) June 5-8, 2019.
“Fumo: Italy’s Love Affair with the Cigarette”: American Academy in Rome (Feb. 2016); Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea (Rome, May 2016, in Italian); Middlebury Instensive Summer Italian School (Mills College, July 2016, in Italian); Columbia Seminar in Modern Italian Studies (Sept. 2016).
“’Fumo blu’: Mina, smoking, and Italy in the 1960s,” Italian Pop music and Lyrics Conference, Indiana University, 29 March 2014.
“Fumo: A Cultural History of Smoking in Italy,” Stanford University, 20 March 2014.
"Women and cigarettes in Italy from the Belle Epoque to the 1960s," Middlebury College, November 13, 2009; repeated at UC Berkeley, February 10, 2010.
"Italian orphans of the Liberal era," Society for the History of Childhood and Youth 2009 conference, July 10-12, 2009, University of California at Berkeley.
"Cigarettes and sex in post-war Italy," April 30, 2009, Brown University.
Mellon roundtable with David Kertzer and Susan Stewart Steinberg on Italy in the Age of Pinocchio, April 29, 2009, Brown University.
Roundtable: "On telling child-centered histories," with Ben Eklof and Mike Grossberg, 29 October 2008, IU.
“Dictating Demography ten years later,” From Resistance to Consensus to Negotiation. Changing Approaches to the History of Italian Fascism. University of Michigan, April 27-28, 2007.
“Les statistiques en Italie dans la période fasciste,” Sciences, médecine et nazisme : témoignages et recherches récentes. Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, November 17-19, 2005.
“Pinocchio in the street: Saving Italian children ca. 1900" IU History Department Brown Bag, 6 October 2003.
“Children in the age of Italy's Mass Emigration, c.1870-c.1915,” Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University, 7 February 2003.
“Demografia e politica,” Popolazione e politiche demografiche in Italia dall’Unita’ alla Repubblica, Societa’ italiana di demografia storica, Florence, Italy, 29 November 2002
"Corrado Gini and the death of nations" The Rostock Demographic Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research 29 January 2002
“Endangered Childhood and Public Anxiety in Turn of the Century Italy,” Casa Italiana, Columbia University, 12 October 2001
“Carusi and beating-machine girls: the child labor debate in Liberal Italy, Roy Ginger Memorial Lecture Series, Brandeis University, 3 November 2000.
“Working Children in Liberal Italy,” Indiana University History Department Seminar, 18 September 2000.
“Family reunification and child immigration in the European Union,” IU Population
Institute for Research and Training seminar series, 18 February 2000.
“A Greater Italy: Migration and Colonialism in the Liberal Period,” American
Historical Association Conference, 7 January 2000, Chicago.
“The future growth of Italian population, c. 1930" presented at the conference
"Population forecasts in the 1920s and 1930s," held at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock, Germany, 17-18 May 1999).
“La statistique démographique dans l’Italie fasciste. Peut-on parler de statistique
totalitaire?,” Maison Rhône-Alpes des Sciences de l’Homme, Lyon, 21 November 1997; Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 25 November 1997.
“Fascisme et politique démographique (Italie 1925-1945),” Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques, Paris, 20 November 1997.
“Massacre of the Innocents: The Scandal of the Annunziata,” Indiana University History Department Seminar, Fall 1996; Southern Historical Association Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, 2 November 1996.
"The institutionalization of statistics in Fascist Italy," West Coast History of Science Society Meeting, Morro Bay, 9-10 May 1992.
Book reviews and other short pieces:
Waiting for Verdi: Italian Opera and Political Opinion, 1815–1848 by Mary Ann Smart. American Historical Review (Dec. 2019).
The Story-Takers: Public Pedagogy, Transitional Justice, and Italy’s Non-violent Protest against the Mafia by Paula M. Salvio, University of Toronto Quarterly 88.3 (Summer 2019).
A Tavola! Gli italiani in 7 piatti by Emanuela Scarpellini, The American Historical Review 2014 119: pp. 268-269.
Scienza e cultura dell’Italia unita – Storia d’Italia – Annali 26, Francesco Cassata and Claudio Pogliano, eds., Nuncius 27 (2012), pp. 377–388.
Ordinary Violence in Mussolini's Italy by Michael R. Ebner, Journal of Modern History, Vol. 84, No. 2, (June 2012), pp. 506-508.
Mussolini’s Italy by R.J.B. Bosworth, History: Reviews of New Books, 1 Jan. 2007.
A Crisis of Births by Elizabeth Krause, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 11(4) 2006, pp. 577-9.
Mussolini by R. J. B. Bosworth, Journal of Modern History, 77, 1 (March 2005).
“Commento” in Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, ed., Numeri e potere. Statisica e demografia nella cultura italiana fra le due guerre. Naples, L’Ancora, 2004, pp. 113-18.
Contributor, Dizionario critico del fascismo (A Critical Dictionary of Fascism), eds. Victoria De Grazia and Sergio Luzzatto (Turin, Einaudi, 2002).
Le nascite e la politica nell'Italia del Novecento by Anna Treves, Population and Development Review, 28 (3) September 2002.
Measuring mamma’s milk: fascism and the medicalization of maternity in Italy by Elizabeth Dixon Whitaker, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 6, 2 (2001): 287-91.
“History as it really wasn’t: the myths of Italian historiography,” A Roundtable with Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Luciano Cafagna, Ernesto Galli della Loggia, Carl Ipsen and David I. Kertzer (focusing on Miti e storia dell’Italia unita by Giovanni Belardelli et al.), Journal of Modern Italian Studies 6,3.
A Question of Numbers: High Migration, Low Fertility, and the Politics of National Identity by Michael S. Teitelbaum and Jay Winter, Journal of Economic History, June 99, Vol. 59, Issue 2.
Review article: “Immigration and Crime” (L’immigrazione straniera in Italia by Corrado Bonifazi and Immigrazione e criminalita by Marzio Barbagli), Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 4, n. 2 (1999).
Numbers and Nationhood: Writing Statistics in Nineteenth Century Italy by Silvana Patriarca, American Historical Review April 1998.
Work, gender, and family in Victorian England by Karl Ittman, Victorian Studies 40.3, Spring 1997.
Fertility, Class and Gender in Britain, 1860-1940 by Simon Szreter, Victorian Studies 40.1, Autumn 1996.
Dalla Citta allo Stato nazionale: Ferrovie e modernizzazione a Siena tra risorgimento e fascismo by Stefano Maggi, American Historical Review (April 1997).
Far From the Church Bells: Settlement and Society in an Apulian Town by Anthony H. Galt, Agricultural History (Spring 1992).
Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis by Robert N. Proctor, Nuncius (1989, f.1).
Translations from the Italian:
Massimo Livi Bacci, On the Move: A Short History of Migration. Polity, Oxford, 2012.
Emma Fattorini, Hitler, Mussolini and the Vatican: Pope Pius XI and the Speech that Was Never Made. Polity, Oxford, 2011.
Massimo Livi Bacci, El Dorado in a Swamp. Gold, Slaves, and Souls between the Andes and the Amazon. Polity, Oxford, 2010.
Massimo Livi Bacci, Conquest: The Destruction of the American Indios, Polity, Oxford, 2007.
Massimo Livi Bacci, The Population of Europe. Oxford, Blackwell, 2000 (with Cynthia De Nardi).
Massimo Livi Bacci, A Concise History of World Population, Blackwell, Cambridge (Mass.), 1992 (revised second ed. 1997).
Isidoro Blumeru, “Essay on Demological Statistics,” Genus, LI, 3-4 (July-December 1995), 19-26 (selected and translated).
Massimo Montanari, Famine and Plenty: The History and Culture of Food in Europe, Blackwell, Cambridge (Mass.), 1994.
Leonardo Benevolo, The European City, Blackwell, Cambridge (Mass.), 1993.
Massimo Livi Bacci, Population and Nutrition: An Essay on European Demographic History. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Heritage Radio Network: “From Cloth Oil to Extra Virgin: A History of Olive Oil,” July 15, 2021.
Courses recently taught
Europe in the Nineteenth Century
The Emergence of Europe
Society and Politics in Modern Europe
I also conducted for several years a reading group on Fascism
Foodstuffs: Food and Culture
Edible Education 101
The Mafia and other Italian Mysteries
Modern Italy
The Family in History
A History of Fascism
The Cultures of Europe
A Global History of Europe
History of the World since 1945
Membership in professional societies (present and lapsed)
American Historical Association Association for the Study of Modern Italy
Societa’ italiana di demografia storica Society for Italian Historical Studies
Society of Fellows of the American Academy in Rome
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
Fulbright Association